Last week also saw bill A1046 appear on the agenda of the
Assembly Codes Committee, where it passed.
The bill requires that all waste resulting from the exploration,
development, extraction and production of crude oil and natural gas that meets
the definition of hazardous waste be subject to the same laws regarding
generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal as other hazardous
wastes. The League put out a memo
in strong support of A1046, as we have for the past couple years that the
bill has been introduced and passed in the Assembly. A1046 has moved on to the Ways and Means
Committee, where we will track its progress.
The bill’s same-as, S674, is currently sitting in the Senate
Environmental Conservation Committee, where it has yet to see any action, even
though all four members of the IDC are cosponsors of the bill. Keep a look out for League memos and action
alerts should S674 make its way onto the committee’s agenda.
This week, Assemblymember Gottfried’s single payer
healthcare bill, A5389, passed in the Assembly Health Committee. The bill has long floated around the Assembly
and hasn’t seen a vote on the floor since 1992, when it was first introduced
and passed in the Assembly and died in the Senate. Nevertheless, the League has continuously
advocated for the bill, knowing that a single payer health coverage program
would save lives and give all New Yorkers the healthcare many so desperately
need. You can read the League’s most
recent memo in support of the legislation here.Finally, in the mist of the recent increased flurry of dialogue on campaign finance reform, the Senate Republicans have taken aim at public financing of campaigns. In early May, the Senate Election Law Committee will hold a public hearing on the “abuses of the New York City public financing system.”
Starting May 1, the IDC will be holding their own public hearings on campaign finance reform throughout the state. The League, which has applauded the IDC’s comprehensive campaign finance reform proposal, will be testifying at at least one of the IDC’s hearings – check back soon for more info.