Yesterday was the Budget Hearing on Education which always attracts a large crowd. The interesting thing about yesterday’s hearing was how many Legislators were in attendance. During the New York State Education Commissioner’s Testimony there was so many Legislators in the room, that most of the time was taken up by introductions. Another interesting item about the hearing was the fact that for the first time in my memory or Denny Farrell’s 40 year history here, we saw a sitting Lieutenant Governor testify on the executive education budget. Lieutenant Governor Duffy sited the major issues of Governor Cuomo’s proposed education budget:
1. wage freezes on supervisory personnel
2. mandate relief
3. 1.5 billion dollar education cut, which represents a cut of education aid by 7.3%
Although the League was unable to present oral testimony due to a limitation on those allowed to testify, it did submit written testimony.
The Legislature will not be in Albany next week because it is their President’s Week vacation. So be sure to check back the week after next for more budget battle updates.
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