The first day
of the 2013 legislative session was like none I have experienced in decades. It
started with pink in early morning and ended with guns after midnight.
Monday was
Family Planning Advocates’ (FPA) lobby day.
There was a sea of pink in the well of the LOB as men and women, all
wearing vivid pink scarfs or ties, gathered to rally support for the
Reproductive Health Act (RHA). This year,
however, there was a twist. Following
Governor Cuomo's State of the State address announcing the Women's Equity Act –
which includes the RHA – FPA displayed signs that read "Women's
Equity" Act. This new initiative includes ten issues
which, when taken together, will enhance women's economic, safety and
reproductive health.
Back in the
well of the LOB, the Lieutenant Governor attended and spoke on the initiative
for the Governor. Speaker Silver followed, with a pink scarf draped around his
shoulder like a shawl, and spoke eloquently about pay equity and the RHA. He was surrounded by scores of
Assemblymembers. Several Democratic
Senators also spoke including Jeff Klein, the new co-leader of the Majority
Coalition in the Senate. For the rest of Monday, pink scarfed men and
women weaved their way through the halls of the LOB and the Capitol.
Gun Control
For weeks after the tragedy at Newtown, CT, Governor Cuomo had been negotiating a package of strong gun control measures with legislative leaders. The deal between the new Majority Coalition Conference in the Senate and the Assembly leadership was sealed at about 4:00 PM on Monday afternoon. Once the bill was printed the Senate began debate at about 10:30 PM, with several Dems speaking in support – including Senator Jeff Klein, the Senate Co-leader. Only two Republicans spoke, including Senator Ball who condemned the bill as a crass political move by the Governor to run for President. The Senate passed the bill 43 to 18 shortly after midnight.
Silver scheduled his chamber’s debate for 10:00 AM Tuesday to give the Assembly
Minority time to conference the bill. After
a five hour debate where every Republican and several Democratic
Assemblymembers spoke, the bill passed by a vote of 104 to 43. It had
been 13 years since the Legislature had addressed gun control. This has
to be seen as a major success for Governor Cuomo as he begins this new
session. It is also a success for the
League as we have had a position on strong gun control since 1990, although with
respect to process we agree with our good government colleagues and the
editorial board of the New York Time that pushing this complex bill through
using a message of necessity did not allow for appropriate public discussion
and a transparent legislative process.
The League and Citizens Union are saying that the amendment for redistricting is an improvement. Common Cause and NYPIRG are saying it is a sham. What will happen in November, 2014 when it comes before the voters? Will the good government groups be on opposite sides?
Hi Mary and thank you for commenting!
Regarding the split of the good government groups on this issue - The League recognizes and understands the concerns of our fellow good government advocates about this redistricting amendment. They are right to voice those concerns - the amendment is not perfect. However, this amendment does represent tangible progress in the long fight for a fairer redistricting process. The League feels that within the current political climate, this is the best deal possible and that, overall, the amendment takes a big stride towards removing the pen from the legislature when drawing up districts.
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