As usual, our issue specialists were
quite busy this week, but a couple got a chance to share what they've
been up to.
Education specialist, Marian Bott,
attended The Alliance for Quality Education of New York's (AQENY)
policy conference on Monday, along with busloads of students and
parents from all over the state. Marian said the speakers at the
conference painted an accurate picture of what public education looks
like on-the-ground now and how it differs from what it was four years
ago before experiencing major funding cuts. Some of the most
compelling speakers were those giving personal testimony, like
Zakiyah Ansari of AQE who discussed what educational opportunities
have and have not been available to her children over the years due
to inequitable education funding. Educate NY NOW!, the education
coalition that the League joined this past summer, was distributing
and collecting postcards to send to elected officials, demanding
equitable education funding. Postcards can be requested on Education
NY NOW!'s website.
Government specialist, Aimee Allaud, is
tracking bills on early voting, same-day voter registration, and
ballot structure in the Assembly Election Law Committee. Aimee
attended the committee's meeting this past Tuesday where Assemblyman
Kavanagh's bill
on ballot structure passed the committee with unanimous support. The
bill, which the League supports, would create a ballot layout that is
easier for voters to read and use. It will now be going to the
Assembly floor, where it passed last year, but then wasn't acted on
by the Senate. The other bills for which the League is advocating
were not moved forward or discussed during Tuesday's meeting. The
League will continue to advocate for measures that increase voter
participation and will be meeting with legislators in the coming
weeks to discuss early voting.
While at the capitol on Tuesday, Aimee
also attended, as an observer, a rally in support of the NY SAFE Act.
The rally was organized by One-Milliom Mom's Against Gun Violence
and included several busloads of young people from NYC. During a
pre-rally meeting, many youth shared personal testimony about how gun
violence has touched their lives. The group then proceeded en masse
to the million dollar staircase where several legislators were in
attendance and spoke on the importance of the SAFE Act. There was a
counter demonstration outside of the capitol, but there was no
interaction between the two groups.
Also, this just in – the LWVNY board
has voted to officially join the New York Women's Equality Coalition,
the coalition of organizations working to pass the governor’s
women's equality agenda! We will keep you updated as we move forward
with this exciting legislation that would mean major progress in the
everyday lives of women across the state.
Finally, the legislature is not in
session next week so please check back in two
weeks for our next blog post.
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