Friday, May 1, 2015

Another busy week!

Post-budget session is now in full swing and it was yet another hectic week for the League!

The breadth of the League’s advocacy portfolio was exemplified this Monday, when we proudly participated in two press conferences on two completely different issues. We hit the ground running on Monday morning when we joined Legislators and other good government organizations in supporting the passage of S.60, a bill sponsored by Senator Squadron that would close the LLC loophole. We then attended the Senate Elections Committee meeting to watch the bill pass and move to the Corporations, Authorities and Commissions committee. You can check out the press release for this event here.

On Monday afternoon, the League joined fellow members of the Women’s Equality Coalition and some Assembly Members at a press conference to highlight the Assembly’s passage of five bills that promote equal pay for equal or comparable work and close loopholes in current state law that allow employers to pay women less. This was definitely a victory for working women! In particular, A.6075 / S.1, which prohibits differential pay because of sex, passed both the Senate and the Assembly and will now move to the Governor’s office to be signed into law. The press release for this event can be found here.

We also made sure to attend the Assembly’s Election Law committee meeting on Wednesday to watch A.6975, which would close the LLC loophole, pass through this committee and move to the Assembly Codes committee. Our Memo of Support for this bill can be found here.  We also issued a Memo of Support for A.2529, which allows 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote. You can read this memo here.

Next week is sure to be another busy one, so check back in for more updates! 

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