Monday got off to a quick start with a League priority bill. The single June primary bill appeared before the Election’s Committee which was
to be called off the floor, in the Speakers Conference Room, during session. We attended that Committee meeting where the bill
passed with the minority in the negative and the bill moving immediately into
Rules Committee. A note of
clarification- bills that are considered to not be addressed by the other house
are often taken up and pushed off the calendar early in the session. Unfortunately,
the single primary bill is one of those bills where it is assumed that the
Senate will not take up this legislation, therefore the Assembly wanted to take
it up and be done with it. Even with League’s vigorous attempts at lobbying
this legislation four years ago it is clear that the Senate will not address
this bill in an election year. On Tuesday the bill passed the Assembly and was
delivered to the Senate where interestingly it was refer to the Senate
Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs. Only the Senate
could refer a voting bill to a committee on veteran’s affairs.
Tuesday was another busy day for the League. Marian Bott, our
issue specialist on Education Finance, testified before the Joint Budget
Hearing on Taxation. This is the second testimony from Marian during this
budget cycle. Her full testimony can be found here. As budget
testimony continues, Barbara Thomas, our issue specialist on Women’s Issues, participated
in the Paid Family Leave lobby day. Paid Family Leave legislation passed the
Assembly but will have an uphill climb for passage in the Senate. Between
Barbara, Marian, Jennifer and myself, the League was very visible in the
legislature that day.
Earlier on Tuesday the League also attended the Assembly
Education Committee where Commissioner Mary Ellen Elia again talked about her
education priorities for this year.
We started our Wednesday with a fabulous breakfast and budget
briefing by the Fiscal Policy Institute. FPI presents their analysis of the
Governor’s budget every year and they never fail to impress us with their
in-depth analyses. After the briefing,
the League was able to submit testimony to the Workforce Development budget
hearing on minimum wage and paid family leave. You can read the full testimony here.
Thursday Barbara finished the budget testimony week with our
testimony before Public Protection, expressing the League’s concerns and
recommendations on the State Board of Elections and the budgetary ramifications
of the coming election year. In total the League has testified or submitted
testimony for 5 budget hearings.
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